Bel Air Wayfinding Kiosks

The Bel Air Downtown Alliance, in partnership with the Town of Bel Air, was awarded a $10,458 grant from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development to implement a wayfinding plan in the form of Bel Air Wayfinding Kiosks. In alignment with the Town of Bel Air’s Comprehensive Plan, the remainder of the approved project amount will be contributed by the town.

The Board of Town Commissioners approved the $18,000 contract from Printing Lab, a contractor from West New York, NY, in October 2016. The four Downtown Bel Air information kiosks give information about town destinations and activities and are located around Downtown Bel Air.

Read below for a list of kiosk locations and what you can find at each! Please note that the locations given are not exact addresses, but general areas of town.

kiosk locations

This kiosk is located at 35 S Main St, right in between the Harford County Sheriff’s Office building and Main Street Tower. It has a map of Downtown Bel Air, printed maps that you can take with you during your visit, and other information from the Town of Bel Air!

This kiosk is located at the corner of Bond and Thomas Streets, right near the Mary Risteau Courthouse and Vagabond Sandwich Company. It also features a map of Downtown Bel Air with printed maps for you to take as well as other information from the Town of Bel Air.

This kiosk is located near the bandshell at Shamrock Park, located at 39 S Hickory Ave (behind Bel Air Town Hall). It has a map of Downtown Bel Air and more information from the Town of Bel Air.

This kiosk is located in the parking lot for the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail at the intersection of W Ellendale and Williams Streets. It has a map of Downtown Bel Air and more information from the Town of Bel Air.
